Walk With Us
Oct 02, 2018
Wolf & Son fall-winter 18 collection introduces new and revisited shoe models in a new color palette. New signature leather sneakers Arabs and Youngi with exclusive custom soles. New cool trainer Orion is made for running with wolves. Our image campaign captures Mr Wolf and Wolf Jr family scene accompanied by our english-bulldog Skye. Special thanks to the creative direction of Alexandra Mendes at BLANK, invited photographer João Macedo, models Pedro Ribeiro and António, assistant Bruno Carvalho. We're gratefull for the collaboration of fellow labels La Paz, Daily Day, Wolf&Rita, piupiuchick, Vandoma Ties and WestMister.

Aug 24, 2021
ATLANTICO outstanding editorial for Portuguese Soul shoot in the beautiful seascape of Madeira Island. The fashion editorial features our leather Arabs signature sneakers. Photography by Pedro Afonso and styling by Fernando Bastos Pereira, payring our sneakers with clothing pieaces by designers David Catalán and Luis Carvalho.